What Is The Employee Experience Game?

Do you recognize the following?

  1. Our organization is growing. How do we attract the right people?
  2. How can we ensure our employees stay with our organization longer?
  3. Employee Experience may be the theme in the organization, but what exactly does it mean to us?
  4. We are looking for a great way to really get started with the results of our employee engagement research.
  5. We would like to involve our employees in shaping our new HR or EX strategy, but how?
  6. We have a new EX strategy: How could we teach our managers to practically implements this in a nice way?
  7. We would like to inspire employees when we talk about our employee policies.
  8. We are looking for a cool workshop for a team building day that focuses on Employee Experience.

Do you recognize these issues? Haven’t got a clue how to handle them in an active and fun way?

Time to play the EX Game!

What Is The Employee Experience Game?

The Employee Experience Game is an (online) board game which makes MT, HR teams and managers experience in a really nice way how they can get their employees to thrive. In that way, employees can be successful themselves and more specifically contribute to the success of the organization.

Experienced facilitators guide the organization in bringing Employee Experience to life. Because of the limited time within which questions have to be answered and assignments completed, you will give your employees a voice in the organization, and you will prepare to take action. You will get to know each other and learn from each other’s experiences, you will know what is going well and what is required to provide that optimal employee experience together: from attracting the right employees to retaining employees and, eventually, an empathetic departure. Above all: you will have lots of fun together!

This is the ONLY management Game that is all about YOUR employees, and which offers a follow-up! So it is not just a nice afternoon; you will also apply the acquired theory to daily practice.

Versions Of The Employee Experience Game

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Play the Game

Would you like to know what Employee Experience could mean for your organization? Do you want to explore the theme and get some inspiration? Play the Employee Experience Game during your (online) team meeting or team building day. The game is played by different competing teams. The teams answer questions and complete assignments; one team is the winner. This will deliver insights, inspiration and ideas that can be used to press ahead on the topic of Employee Experience. In addition, this game is FUN TO PLAY!

The EX Game has been developed for HR teams, management and employees. It takes 2 to 3 hours to complete the game, but it is finished before you even realize. During the preparation, we let you explain which challenges you are facing, and the goal and desired result of your meeting. We will tailor the questions and assignments, to ensure the Game is really about your company and situation. The EX Game can also be played online.


Train the Trainer

Would you like to bring life to your organization’s employee engagement? Looking for a great conversation with your employees and get to know them better? Are you looking for input from employees for your HR policies?

Learn to play the Employee Experience Game yourself! The Game will become an (online) tool in the change toolkit of your company.

We will start out to explore the company’s situation, targets and challenges. We always tailor the (online) EX Game Program to your needs and will train a number of colleagues to become EX Game facilitators.

This way you can use the EX Game at any time to put the employee experience on the agenda. Think of support in gathering input for EX or HR policy or a part there of such as onboarding, recruitment, happiness at work the roll-out of an EX strategy or the conversion of results from employee research into concrete actions.

Players About The Employee Experience Game


Is it Time for a Human Experience Team?

CX needs EX & EX leads to CX As a CX professional, I’ve been diving deeper into Employee Experience (EX) this year. After all, you need happy, motivated, and engaged employees to achieve excellent customer experiences. For a while, I used to say that I didn’t know much about EX. But the more I read…

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Play the EX Game online

Gives inspiration and a good methodology to get started with this theme Interaction with professionals from different industries and with different experiences. Very instructive and enthusiastic. The interaction with colleagues. Nice ideas and sometimes confirmation of being on the right track.   Now that we have played several online Games in a short period of…

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Who are you with? Customers first, or employees?

An honest answer, please? Are you with Steve Jobs on this? Or with Richard Branson? Or maybe Simon Sinek? …. According to Steve Jobs’ philosophy, customers come first.   Ask Richard Branson and Simon Sinek, and you would start working with your employees. Surely, there would be no happy customers without happy employees!   Who…

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Blogs, vlogs & articles



The Founders and Facilitators


Babs Asselbergs

Customer Experience Activator & Creative Changemaker

About Babs and Nienke

Our mission is to make the world a better place for customers and employees alike.

Babs brings customer experience alive and activates employees and teams to give an even better experience to their customer while bringing more fun into their own jobs.

Nienke believes in activating people through a pragmatic approach; that’s why her motto is ‘Making Customer Experience Work’.


Nienke Bloem

Customer Experience Education & Keynote Speaker

Our Partners

Employer Brand Builder @ Employer Brand Builders

Rehan Naeem

Transformer of Organizations with Culture Leadership and Employee Happiness @Become

Employer Branding Specialist @ Employer Brand Builders

Brand Builder @ De CommunicatieArchitect

Project Manager and Experiential Learning Facilitator @ New Metrics

Will you become our newest facilitator? Contact us and we'll show you the possibilities

Contact Us

The Employee Experience Game is the result of a cooperation between Nienke Bloem and Babs Asselbergs, owners of BlommaBerg – The Game Company. For more information about the game, please contact us via one of the options below.

Phone number:

Babs Asselbergs: 06-17443249

E-mail address:


The Customer Experience Game!

Are you looking for a workshop to increase the customer experience within your organization? Then The Customer Experience Game is a fun and educational workshop to get more insight into this. After all, enthusiastic and committed employees create enthusiasm among customers and vice versa.